Tips Playing Forex On BetOnMarkets victory
Method Victory
As we have mentioned earlier that the market movement is very difficult to predict accurately. Even with the many technical analysis though. One of the most fundamental weaknesses in any technical analysis is the amount of subjectivity factor in any interpretation. So the real issues rather than the accuracy issues, but the interpretation of the data generated, either by graphs, trends, indicators, and so forth. Many people lose money at the time predicted that the trend will soon be over, but the reality trend continues, so too many people who lost money when they believe that the market movement is in a strong trend but at a certain point was a trend to change direction or reverse direction.
So how best safety strategy for mensiasati so we always are in the right position. The concept of a sudden we Rich formula is quite simple, that is "Follow the Trend". Yes ... The safest way to do is follow the trading where the trend to move, if the trend moves up, you have to come up, and vice versa, if the trend moving down then you should take the position down. To anticipate any losses that occur, use the Double Up transaction system according to the formula 2N, where N is the last bet your transaction when you miss or predicted at the time of your defeat. Or if you have enough capital, it would not hurt you use the formula 2N +5 to multiply your victory.
Example calculation for the second formula is:
2N = 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, etc. ...
2N +5 = 5, 15, 35, 75, 155, etc. ...
With the science of probability, the possibility of going up and down 50%: 50%. Use the formula 2N, for example, the value of your initial betting $ 5, plug in accordance with the trend of moving where, if you lose another pair of $ 10, if you lose another pair of $ 20. One moment you will win, and if victorious, to the next betting you have to start again from early betting (USD 5). For greater results, you can use the formula 2N +5.
With technical analysis, you can minimize your losses. Our advice, to start Intraday transactions using an initial capital of at least EUR 75. With formula 2N, means you have the chance to win 4 times (EUR 5, EUR 10, USD 20, USD 40).
Tips On Playing BetOnMarkets
1. Determine your victory target. No need too much, ideally within 1 day of your
received USD 15 - USD 20 is very good. Do not be greedy!
2. Determine how you can defeat tolerance and use your money
ready loss.
3. Play with consistent and patterned.
4. Be patient waiting for the right moment. Remember! You do not have to Betting, so relax
Just ...
5. Willing to accept and learn from defeat, because basically there is no one
any analytical method is perfect. Risk is always there and it should be there.
6. The most important thing before you make Betting, ask yourself "Do I
sure that my prediction is true? ". If not, do not Betting!
7. Do not use the last money you have.
Tips Getting $ 10 Free From BetOnMarkets
If your transaction volume of over USD 1000, on the left panel there is a link "Survey". Click the link and fill out Form Survey. You'll get $ 10 instantly.
Technical Analysis I: Using Software BOM Predict V.2.3 / V.2.4
To help you choose or predict where the trend will go, we have software that we think is effective to predict the direction of movement of the trend. To further strengthen your analysis, use the momentum indicator RSI (Relative Strength Index). This indicator is based on the trend that the market is always moving bounce / reverse. Investors will buy when prices move down, or is at its lowest (RSI <30). Then wait for prices to move up (because if the condition "overbought") to the highest point (RSI> 70) to further sell his money for profit. Because many investors are selling their money, then the prices will come back down (because if the condition "oversold") to the lowest point (RSI <30). Conditions "overbought" market lead to move up, while the condition of "oversold" market lead will move down.
As said Alexander Elder (Trading for a Living), technical analysis is the study of mass psychology and it is not 100% right. Some scientific, partly an art anymore. Art must continue to be trained so that later will be a skill (Skill) for you.
How to use the software are as follows:
Suppose the current time clock 04h05GMT, the last data available for 100 minutes to 10 minutes interval time Close bid are:
Data 02h30GMT 106,133 = 10
Data 02h40GMT 106,126 = 9
Data 02h50GMT 106,114 = 8
Data 03h00GMT 106,117 = 7
Data 03h10GMT 106,173 = 6
Data 03h20GMT 106,218 = 5
Data 03h30GMT 106,247 = 4
Data 03h40GMT 106,271 = 3
Data 03h50GMT 106,205 = 2
Data 04h00GMT 106,163 = 1
Enter bid Close 10 data interval 10 minutes into the software data form, then press "Process". The results: Over 60 Minutes Future, Trend Will NAIK. Possible Winning 60.52%.
Based on the results of prediction software, means you have to install Betting Up to the time Intraday 04h20GMT - 05h00GMT. Transactions can be defined as follows:
"I will win if the exchange rate of USD against the Japanese Yen at 05h00GMT hours will be higher than at 04h20GMT"
Data movement Close EUR bid against the latest Japanese Yen to 10-minute time interval you can see directly in BetOnMarkets website, how:
1. Sign in to BetOnMarkets website.
2. Click "Intraday Up" or "Intraday Down".
3. Consider whether the column is shown Bet 10-minute intervals. If not, click
"Switch to 10 min intervals". If you have, simply click on "View intraday prices".
After that there will be PopUp look like the following:
Tips Using Predict V.2.3 BOM / V.2.4
Before trading, you try to use the software by using the Close Bid data that already exists. No need Betting! From the results, you can determine which version of the software most appropriate for use today.
To strengthen your analysis, use indicator RSI (Relative Strength Index)
1. Please Sign In to
2. Change the graphics configuration with:
Instruments = Forex »USD / JPY
Time Scale = 10 minutes
Studies = RSI (Period 10)
Studies = Moving Averages (Period 10)
Studies = Moving Averages (Period 30)
3. Look at the RSI graph (bottom section):
- If the value of RSI over 70, the graph cut MA10 to MA30 from the top down.
Shows the market price has been on the top. Indications that a decline in
prices. Replace "Down"!
- If the RSI value of less than 30, the graph cut MA10 to MA30 from the bottom up.
Shows the market price has been on the bottom. Indication of the price increase will occur.
Place the "Up"!
Combine the above techniques, using instinct, patience, and lots of practice. Believe in yourself, because basically tricks / best analysis method is finding your own tricks.
How to download the program ?? i cant extract it. do you have password with it ?
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