BetOnMarkets Indonesia GET PROFIT 10% - 1000% IN THE FOREX SYSTEM instant "BETTING"!
Currency Market
Introduction pasarvalas
Playing on the exchange forex / currency in vogue at the moment, to be able to play in the forex market (Real system), we need tens of millions of dollars of capital, and more importantly we must master the technique of playing the forex analysis very complicated and very difficult to predict. But now we can play in the forex market the world without passing through the procedures and mechanisms are complex. Now the site has existed as a means of playing the forex with implementing the system (data) Real Market. If you really want to play without depending on other people, this is the place our site. Main forex online directly from your computer monitor. I mean the site is BetOnMarkets, alternative means of playing the forex Betting system. This system is different from that normally used. Kalo Real systems using standard points (pips) to determine the advantages and disadvantages of new multiplied by the amount of money traded. Lack of system, to be able to play and get plenty of benefits, we must use a very large capital. To mensiasati that, in the world of forex trading, there is now a new system that they call us to buy "Bet" in accordance with a predicted movement of a particular currency and sell it after the contract finished. To learn more about BetOnMarkets, you can visit their website directly at the address
Preparation Steps
Before applying the method you will learn in the "Methods victory", there are some things you need to prepare, including:
1. Making your E-Gold account and filling your E-Gold. E-Gold is used to deposit (Include funds) on your BetOnMarkets account. While serving Deposit BetOnMarkets using a variety of ways such as using MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, E-Gold, E-Bullion, etc.. Our advice is better to use E-Gold only. Because the E-Gold, money / win you can be drawn at any time.
2. Do the opening of your account at the site with the address pasarvalas
To open an account at BetOnMarkets (BOM), please open the site, click on the "Open Account". After that you will be confronted by two choices of accounts, namely Virtual and Real Money. Our advice, you should open a virtual account in advance to get virtual money of $ 10,000, and then if this method you already understand very well, please open a Real Money account. To open a Real Money account is almost the same pace, fill out the form that appears with the data truth and then click signup. As for logging in, please click My Account in the User Options on the front page of the website BetOnMarkets
3. Next is to fill your BOM account with E-Gold you already have. The way is simple enough, please login to the member's area BOM, then click the Cashier menu, this menu you can dance to fund (Withdraw), or enter a fund (deposit), select the deposit and follow the instructions that will appear next. Once completed the deposit process you have ready funds used to make transactions.
To view your portfolio PORTFOLIO Please click the menu, whereas historically to see your transaction activity previously STATEMENT Please click menu.
The method we describe is only devoted to trade Intraday or BET type, in terms of transactions conducted over a range of time in one day, especially the 30-minute time scale
Operational Step
To instrument transactions, which we review only type Intraday Intraday UP and DOWN. In the picture menu Bet instrument or transaction is on the left you can see in our part of the blue circle. Actually there are many more other transaction instruments such as Double up, Double down, Super Double, Bull / Bear, Expiry Range, One Touch, No Touch, Barrier Range, Double Touch, Up or Down and Run Batch. But all of these instruments have the same goal which is your prediction accuracy in determining the market movement, and our method can only apply to the types of transactions Intraday.
Intraday transaction is UP: BET purchase transactions to predict the movement of a market between two different times in one day with a prediction that the market will rise from the previous.
Intraday Transactions DOWN is: BET purchase transactions to predict the movement of a market between two different times in one day with a prediction that the market will decline from the previous.
To further clarify the mechanism Intraday transaction or DOWN UP, please login to your Member Area, then click Intraday UP menu, to make the buying process with a prediction bet that the market will rise. If so, consider purchasing bat form that appears as below.
The first thing you need to do is to set / change the time Intraday Prices to 10-minute intervals. Way, click on the link "swith to 10 min. Interval (red circle)", to change the time interval in the scale of 10 minutes. because we will transact in the 30-minute intervals, not 1 hour as above. If you have the switch in 10-minute interval, please select the type of market you are going to enter, the default setting is Forexs market, you can change to a different market types by clicking in the menu under the blue circle, the link index (indices) or link shares (stocks ).
Let's say you choose the forex market, then please specify the number of transactions you want victory, as the picture above, 10 USD, 15 USD, 20, 25 and so on. The number of future purchases is 50% of the total transactions victory. So if you expect victory EUR 10, then the purchase cost of these transactions is $ 5 which will be charged directly by the BOM from existing funds in your account. Next choose the type of currency being traded by clicking the drop down menu currency as an example below (blue circle).
After you select the type of currency to be predicted, please specify two time intervals of the initial and final time, in the figure below, the initial time is the blue circle and the end time is the red circle, with the hope of reaching at the end of time, the market will experience increase the percentage above 0.03% of the exchange rate at the beginning of time.
Because we will play in 30 minute intervals, so if the initial time set 12h30, then the end time is 13h00. So after all transactions are complete the form filled, then your transaction may be defined as follows:
"I want to get a profit of $ 10 with the prediction that the exchange rate of USD against the Japanese Yen at 13:00 hrs will rise (above 0.03%) from 30 minutes before the 12:30."
Description: 0.03% is the minimum percentage increase / decrease for Intraday Trading (Forex Market)
For example: Consideration of an Intraday Up to USD / JPY between the hours of 12:30 and 13:00. If the USD / JPY at 12:30 hours the value was 116.10, then the value at 13:00 hours to 0.03483 (= 0.03% of 116.10) higher. So the exchange rate at 13:00 hours must be higher than 116.13 (= 116.10 +0.03483, rounded into the tick close to) the contract for the value of victory.
After the Transactions, and Currency Type interval time you specify, to purchase a contract bet, please click the [Calculate Cost of this bet] »[Buy this bet!]» [View Updated Portfolio]. Then you wait until the time the contract expired bet (last time). During the wait for a contract bet expires, you can get your internet-disconnect or turn off your computer.
If your prediction correct, that the market actually experienced an increase above 0.03% from the previous price, then you will get a profit of EUR 5. However, if your prediction is wrong, and the market was actually experienced a decrease or an increase but not more than 0.03% from the previous price, then the funds in your account will be reduced BOM of $ 5. To find out the results of your prediction, after the contract period Bet out, please click PORTFOLIO menu, if your prediction is correct there is shown the value of EUR 10 (in the "Sale Price"), click the GO (in the "Sell Bet") to claim victory you. However if it slipped your predictions will come the value of USD 0 (in the "Sale Price"), click GO (in the "Sell Bet") to delete the transaction.
DOWN Intraday transaction mechanism is not much different from UP Intraday transactions, so we need not explain again. At first glance, the transaction mechanism in BetOnMarkets site I mentioned above as just guessing games, predict price movements for profit. But make no mistake past perceptions, with sharp analysis and combined with the defeat of the right management, transaction mechanisms are no longer becomes a game just guess it, but it can be will be the main source of income for you. It is precisely with these methods, we actually get the benefit that we will not get if you make transactions directly into the bourses, both offline and online.
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