Update Facebook, Twitter, Plus Football Scores Update in Mobile with Snaptu handler!
An interesting application for Mobile with Java Enabled facility, which combines various functions online as well. With the widget display interesting enough, you can access Facebook, Twitter, Google Calendar, Picasa, Flickr, news update from BBC News even came to London and the Update Score Youtube English League and other foreign Soccer in an application called Snaptu.
With your Snaptu will berfesbuk activities more interesting, you can update your own status or view the status of your friend, plus also view a list of friend to our own profile. Similarly you can access Twitter, Flickr Picasa until you via Snaptu.
Not only social networking activities, Snaptu also offers the latest news updates from BBC News Reader, Detik News, Compass, Reuteur, Vivanews, Yahoo and many channels can you add to your widget Snaptu. Even you will not miss the scores of each game in the English League, Italian League until the Spanish league for at Snaptu also provided Cricket Live Score Widget that presents the latest score information from a football game until the game schedule you can follow, simply complete and certainly kept uptodate .
To download and install enough Snaptu point your mobile browser to http://m.snaptu.com once installed and you run the Snaptu will initially display as below.
snaptu application
As shown there has been available widgets for Facebook, Twitter, Picasa and other widgets, to add another widget, for example you want to add widgets Football Live Score and simply click the Add Application menu. There are various options that the widget you can add in Snaptu homescreen, which of course can be tailored to your needs.
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SnaptuHandler DOWNLOAD
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