Tricks Seeing Free World Map With Google Map 2.3
To see a map and location of the Earth with enough detail on the computer, maybe we are not familiar with the program from Google, the Google Earth and Google Map. Actually, similar applications are also available for HP, both with the system Java, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and others.
Now, for the HP we can use a free program from Google: Google Maps for Mobile
Google Maps for Mobile is a mini version of Google Earth or Google Map used in the access via computer to the Web browser or that have been installed. Although the size and features are not complete in the computer, we can get an idea and a fairly detailed location such as in computers, and even added attractive features. Here are some features:
* My Location, we can know the approximate current position that we are using the HP, even without a GPS device though.
* Business Listings, search the name of a place of business or other important places
* Driving Directions, to know the direction (path path) from one place to another.
* Transit & walking direction. Get routes and schedules to travel either by bus or on foot.
* Latitude. To find the location of our friends and share a place with friends. (seems to be supported in new iPhone)
* Street view. Showing just a road map with the location of the place.
* Traffic. Traffic in real-time (direct), to determine the fastest route (this seems to only certain cities, such as cities in the United States).
Google Maps for Mobile can run on Hanphone which has the following platforms:
* Android
* BlackBerry
* Java
* Windows Mobile
* Symbian S60 3rd Edition
* Palm OS
* IPhone
How to get / Install
could try to download directly through the computer from the following link:
GoogleMaps232Handler DOWNLOAD
Note (tips)
To be able to run this application, have an internet connection on HP (eg with GPRS). And because of the visits is the map (picture), but we can see a map of the world with our toll free no cut.
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