Download Magic Blue Hack free
Download MagicBlueHack free or free. With the help of this application you can control a variety of other mobile devices via Bluetooth, such as: make calls, send sms, phone book, picked up the call, close the incoming call. All we can do from our phone to another phone without having to ask permission first.
In addition to free file size is very small, and can be used on almost any mobile phone that supports Java (J2ME). How to use a very simple application, please install and run this application. Then click on Connect, the search process other Bluetooth device will work. If you want to control the phone to the owner was not suspected of other mobile devices, then we should set a Bluetooth device authorization to accept connections from us without having to ask for permission first. This can be done by pretending to borrow a cell phone for several purposes, please you do the technique yourself.
When it is finished, now you can control others via mobile phone if the victim's bluetooth is switched on. After bluetooth connected select a destination bluetooth, connection is available from the menu choices that you can do. Such as: make calls, send SMS, open the contact list, add contacts, close calls.
Use this application wisely and avoid actions that harm others, a result caused by the use of this software are covered himself.
DOWNLOAD link: [MagicBlueHack]
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